On My Freq 2.0
On My Freq 2.0
By Karen February 12, 2014Hi Shipmates,
Welcome to the new On My Frequency. Many of you will remember my newpaper column of the same name a few years ago.
This blog is On My Freq 2.0, slightly updated in format and intent, but enduring in other ways.
Does the world really need another blog? Maybe it does, you decide. I think the Intent and Rules of Engagement should be clear and here they are..
Intent – “Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, by encouraging the civil discourse among shipmates.”
Rules of Engagement:
- Never more than 500 words. (If it’s too lengthy for that, I’m clobbering the net.)
- Never more than once a month.
- Less topical and political, more universal, but no less edgy.
- I will wait to be asked to send it to you a second time – will not burden you to opt out, instead respectfully request you opt in
and of course, I NEVER share your email address and one touch unsubscribe.